
Lk. 6:45; Is. 29:13; Ez. 33:31; 2Sam. 24:18-25; Mk. 12:43-44; Mt. 13:44-46

Many contemporary churches have come to use the word “worship” as a synonym for music, which not only makes an idol of music, but also undermines the true heart of worship. Worship is simply the conferring of worth upon someone or something. Music, and even praise, are not guaranteed conduits for true heart worship – but sacrifice ALWAYS is. The Scriptures we look at today all point to the same conclusion: that true worship is always accompanied by personal sacrifice, which is counted as gain to the worshiper, because their appraisal of the recipient of their worship outweighs the cost of their offering. Listen and understand why your drive to church may have been a greater act of worship than the singing of your favourite worship tune!